Friday, August 11, 2023

Gertie's Mealworm Tea

Hey all! Jackson County’s favorite hen columnist is back and boy do I have a lot to fill you all in on. It is July and things are sizzling.

I can’t say how much I would love to have a nice cold glass of mealworm tea under the shade of the crabapple tree that is located in our run, but the Mutha Clucka has ignored repeated requests from me and the other ladies to provide such a treat. 

Oh, I know she tries - giving us chilled watermelon and other assorted veggies from the fridge but gosh the tasty earthiness of crispy insects in some ice cold water would just make my afternoon perfect. 

I have been excited about the nice sandy area we have to take dust baths in each day. Nestling down in the coolness of the earth and giving a good shake to the feathers always leaves one feeling refreshed and ready to take on just about anything. I know I speak for my little chicken ladies group that we all enjoy good conversation and a solid nap on a hot July afternoon in the shade is just what we need. 

Cooper, the barn “cat”ken, who is a cat who thinks he’s a chicken, has been sneaking out at night by climbing through the open windows to the coop. Being a very responsible hen, I tried to tell him that this wasn’t proper behavior but he’s still young and thinks he knows better than all of us. He’s not ignorant though - he always returns to his bowl in our coop for breakfast and dinner each day.

The oinkers in the barn, Chester and Spike, have been begging more frequently for food and Mutha just doles out the goodies like it's Halloween. Does she not realize that we all need to watch our weight? She has said something about finishing the “run” for the pigs though so maybe soon we won’t be subject to their grunting all day. It’s so hot that their conversations can really grate on a hen’s nerves. 

I’m hearing the constant calling from the ducks and geese up on the hill and I often wonder what has them so excited. Maybe it’s that new giant kiddie pool that was brought home - why a bird would want to splash around in water is beyond me, but hey, to each his/her own. 

If you need me, I’ll be sitting under the shade of the crabapple, still dreaming about that mealworm tea. 

After all a hen can dream, right?

Until next time…

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