Monday, November 26, 2018

Gotta Keep Clucking Going: Treat the Treats

Starting and keeping a small business running is definitely NOT for the faint of heart. I remember when I first launched the dog treats in September 2017 and was so excited that the brewery from which the spent grains came from and my friends were clamoring for the treats in those first few weeks.

I began to get confident and think that this was the way that I was going to cover the expenses that come from running a small farm and having rescue animals.

Then, came the lull and not just any lull – the BIG lull. I applied for a permit to sell at the Columbus Winter Farmer’s Market weeks before the Christmas season and started to dream up images of success as I imagined bags flying off shelves and me in a rush to keep up with demand. I ordered a whole slew of labels for the packaging and stocked up on ribbon and bags. I was READY!

I sat, week after week, watching as potential customers walked by my well placed table with bright shiny bows, pristine labels and the tantalizing smell of peanut butter hovering over my table. I smiled at each customer and wished them a “Good Morning” as they walked by, stopped, commented and walked on. It was so disheartening. I went home every week that I was at the market – thinking that this would be my last one and that I was going to give up the treat business.

But, each week I was there, I would pull my small table from the car get my treats situated and try once more to sell just enough to pay for gas that week and the expenses of making the treats. Some weeks I made it, most I did not.

When summer rolled around, I figured I would try once more to get these treats to take off and applied for a permit to sell at the Seymour Farmer’s Market a few weeks. Once again, I would see people walk up – say hello and walk on. Once again, some weeks I made enough to cover the cost of making the treats and others – just enough to cover breakfast at the taco truck.

Fast forward to this fall – it has been incredibly slow this holiday season and I’m trying to stay hopeful. A very small part of me wants to just throw in the towel and call it quits. It is so hard to keep trying to sell something that you know is good and that dogs love, but just can’t seem to get it to take off the ground.

I’m still hanging on to the fact that I’m inches away from getting a registered trademark on the treats and I keep thinking that I can’t quit. I've come too far, put too much time in and am too determined to let that stop me. I don't want to be one of those small businesses that stop after 18 months. 

The treats are a year old and I hope that they make it to their 2nd birthday. I just have to keep hoping, keep trying. 

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