Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Clucker Clocks - Times Changing

We had the time change two weekends ago and although I don’t want to get into the debate on how awful it is, how beneficial, etc., I just have to say that it takes me a few weeks to get back on track. I have a constant feeling of running behind, not having enough time to get everything accomplished and grumbling about the fact that when I go to the barn to do my morning check and let the birds out – it’s pitch black again.

The animals don’t seem to mind the time change from the fact that it means that they get fed a full hour earlier. Anytime any change involves getting food earlier, they’re more than willing to accommodate it.
It is more difficult for me with the chickens and the time change because it means that daily eggs are not laid until later, the birds don’t want to go into the coop until it’s dark or, if I want to put them up before heading to evening events, having to have a chicken round up and coerce them into the coop, protesting and squawking like children being told that they have to go to bed while it’s still light outside.
All that being said, I do like when the weather turns warmer and I can stay outside until later with sunlight. There’s something to be said about doing farm chores in either the dark or with light – especially when collecting eggs from the dark nesting boxes. I can’t count the number of times I’ve reached into a box in the dark and ended up with a hand in chicken poo instead of the warm/cool hardness of a freshly laid egg. 
I tend to work more on farm projects when the time springs forward and find myself out way beyond when I usually retire for the night – thinking I can fit “one more thing” in. As of late, however, it’s been too cold to want to stay outside for very long at all. I get frustrated with myself that I grumble so much at this time of year. While the animals don’t seem to mind the time change – this mama does. Honestly, it’s not even the “springing forward” time change either, it happens when “falling back” too. I like to think that I’m a person who rolls with anything, but I guess I’m a creature of habit and just like things to stay as usual as possible. 

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