Sunday, March 27, 2016

Eggactly the Perfect Easter Basket

Happy Easter to all! This year it's especially happy for me because the little chickies that I was raising at this time last year are now happily roaming the backyard and producing happy colorful gems in their nesting boxes. In fact, I enjoyed one of those lovely beauties for breakfast today.

I've loved watching everyone post about dyeing Easter eggs and I had to write about my own Easter basket that I get every day. I don't have to use any food coloring or, as I've seen in some videos, nail polish(?!). What the cluck? Nope, I go out to my henhouse every evening after coming home from work and discover 2 to 4 eggs in varying hues of peach, pink, and the most fun of all-- blue!

I thought after a few months of gathering eggs, I'd tire of opening the door to the nesting boxes and collecting the ladies' daily gifts. To tell the truth, I still get excited when I find an egg. I try very hard to respect the cluckers' privacy when they're sitting on the nests-- I figure that's private time for the hen and since I'm going to be taking what she's left behind soon, I might as well let her enjoy her time in there as much as possible. I like to think that I have happy hens who produce great tasting eggs.

So far, I think that's worked out pretty well. Everyone who has received eggs from the girls say that they taste delicious and I have to agree with them (though I am a little biased).

Every day for me is like Easter Sunday when I find those colored eggs and I love it!

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