Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Stress of Spring

The sun has been shining now for two days in a row and the flowers and trees are starting to bud and blossom. You can almost hear them stretching, yawning and sighing relief that the cold days of winter seem to be behind us and it is time to grow.
On the farm, little purple flowers are starting to pop up in the fields – turning everything a lovely shade of purple and the first Spring grass just glows. It is an amazing sight and the biggest reason Spring is one of my most favorite seasons. 
I have to remind myself to enjoy these sights as I also think of the short time frame I have to get the garden tilled before weeds take over, plants planted so that the ground produces food, baby chicks moved from brooder to grow out pen to, finally, the adult coop, dog treats made and readied for the upcoming Farmer’s Markets and a bit of Spring Cleaning to take inventory to what I have and what I need to keep and what needs to go.
It can certainly be a stressful time as it doesn’t take but a few weeks before summer’s heat sets in and mowing becomes a priority as well as keeping waterers filled as the chickens’ need for water increases. 
Just as in the winter, when the temperature drops below 20 degrees, I have to stop for a moment and just take in this gift of rural living that I have taken on. Catching a sunrise and pausing for just a few minutes to appreciate the colors and the sounds of the earth waking or stopping for a sunset when the crickets and peep frogs begin to sing their nightly serenade needs and must be a priority for me to keep the balance. 
Rural living can be tough, but the rewards are incredible.